Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pastel Variation #4

I had a phone meeting last night so I decided to paint while talking on the speaker-phone. It worked well multi-tasking like that except for the pastel dust all over my notes!  

This one is on 5"x7" on 400 grade UArt paper. I'm been learning a lot about how the different brands of pastels work on the different papers.  Once I got a few layers on this one, it almost felt like I was working on Pastelmat.  For me, it's kind of in between Wallis and Pastelmat.  They all seem to take the pastels in different ways, which makes the various brands respond to each other in different ways as well.  Very interesting learning experience.


Randy said...

Wow, Deb. Beautiful pastel landscapes.

Deb Townsend said...

Thanks so much Randy. I've gotten pretty hooked on pastels!

Pat said...


Suzanne McDermott said...

You don't need an invitation but please join us in the Sprit of the Gulf Challenge. said...

I really like this Deb. Love the colors in the sky and the land. Bravo

Deb Townsend said...

Thanks so much Pat. Glad you like it!

Suzanne, I'll stop by and take a look.

Nora, thanks. I'm really learning so much with these. Not to mention having fun!