Monday, October 11, 2010

Encaustics: Rust Series

I just love rust and when first saw some of Daniella Woolf's encaustics with rust, I was just blown away with idea. I wasn't sure how she did it but just learned recently. So now I'm collecting everything rust! I went to the hardware store and got a few big washers but they're zinc coated so I've been working on getting the coating off so they will rust. Having some success. I got a few other things as well and have been scouring eBay too.

Anyway, I've started a Rust Series and I expect there will be several in the series. These are all on 8"x8" cradled birch with Rives BFK paper attached. I used some oil stick on the last one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow! this reminds me of the floor...