Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Made a change....

My friend Amelia, on Painting Friends, suggested something was needed to complete the balance. It was confirmed by Sandy Maudlin, who made what sounded like a good suggestion. So, I've added a short line on the right side, using some charcoal lines that were already there, and on Nora's advice, I added a bit more of the gold to the circles. The changes are subtle. I think they help with the balance while maintaining the tension that I like. What do you think?


Sandy Maudlin said...

yummy. It's like the forest and the desert side by side.

Deb Townsend said...

Oh that's a cool way to describe it! Thanks so much Sandy!

Kate said...

I'm a musician, and don't know a lot about visual art. But tension is still tension. I'm used to hearing tension in the music, and then hearing the resolution. While the media might be different, the concept is still the same. There is a tension which needs to be somehow relieved.
The tension is the clearly outlined and obvious. But the resolution, that takes a little more searching. While the sides do fight each other, there is a sense of balance in the differences. Each side alone is fine, but together, they become something more. Something layered and dimensional and... tangible. The circles seem very exact and yet flowing. The straight lines seem rigid but not exact. There is harmony and movement.
I guess I'm just trying to say that I like it. And just like in music, the tension is what makes it interesting.

Deb Townsend said...

Kate, what a neat perspective. And I totally agree! LOL! Glad you like it Sweetie. You still home?